hi there valuable!

At this page you'll find relative information if you are a co-creator and are working with us on project The Coffee Virus.

Training schedule

Find all scheduled training days, to learn and practice what we decided on based on our current experiance that is build on countless hours of recearch, reading, intens discussions and years of experimenting!

Projects = Big-steps

This overview shows you the big projects we like to tackle with the team. We call these 'big-steps'. Every big-step has a owner. This person is accountable for finishing the step before the deadline and with the wanted result.


Big-steps can only be accieved by taking baby steps. Every baby-step has a owner. This person is accountable for finishing the step before the deadline and with the wanted result. However, the baby-steps also have a team. This team is responsable for finishing the step before the deadline and with the wanted result. Team-work is the 🗝 to succes 😉!